Chrysi Nikoloutsou
Inhabiting the street market_Menemeni-Thessaloniki
Ecoweek 2011, Thessaloniki - a workshop organized by AFH Athens
date: March 2011
location: Thessaloniki, Greece
AFH team: C. Nikoloutsou, Th. Ntatsopoulou, F. Kyriakidou
The workshop focuses on the intervention on Menemeni street market, located on the western side of Thessaloniki’s urban complex. The goal is to improve both the working conditions of the merchants and the living conditions of the residents. After completing the street market’s observation, the group’s analysis split into two parts, one about its flow of functions and their potentials and the other about its local social significance. In the proposal, customer circulation, microclimate specifications and aesthetic improvement guide the design. The pre-existing strong axial function was replaced by a curvy flow pattern. It consists of permanent features which add to the street’s activity-driven functions throughout the week, creating a friendly environment and serving as a connecting point for surrounding social features (such as the church and schools), but also serve as guidelines for stall placement for the market. The street was made pedestrian, with deciduous plants providing shadow during summer without obstructing sunshine during winter.
Workshop participants: Jonatan Blomgren, Efthymios Charalampidis, Georgia Davveta, Marilena Dyvani- Maouni, Anastasia Ferentinou, Chrysi Sotiraki, Xanthi Sotiraki, Ioanna Tsakanika, Eleni- Konstantina Tsiopa